Sunday 19 July 2015

Solomon Creed - LoveReading Review

Solomon Creed By Simon Toyne

Love reading book review

By Emily Griffiths

I am a reader who has to be hooked on the first page.

I had to manage to get past the first page of Solomon Creed and was starting to get into the book. However due to time constraints and other commitments I could not finish the book by the review dead line.

With what I have read so far I have found that the language used was very detailed and it was very well written.

The only thing I would criticise about the book was how each chapters started, as due to the number of characters involved in the plot it was a bit confusing of which chapter was referring to what character, If on the chapters page there was clarification of a name of a character I would have understood it a bit better.

However despite that point and not having the time to read it all before the due date I shall continue to read this book in my own time and to see if my perceptions change further down the line.

Back into the swing of things!

So Hello

Finally we have had a book club meeting at last. It has felt like a life time since having the last meeting. I have missed the fellow book clubbers and to make things more exciting we have got ourself a few new members.

And most important thing of all is that a book of my choice has actually been picked out to read! I've been waiting since the start of the book club for one of my choices to be picked. So I am so happy with this.

Let me give you a summary of what this book is about!

Limpet, Steffan and Jared. Three best friends crammed into a clapped-out rust bucket of a car on a whirlwind road trip to forget their troubles and see out the end of the summer. But no matter how far they drive, they can’t escape the hidden secrets and slow-burning romance that could upset the balance of their friendship – perhaps forever
Doesn't this sound exciting!