Thursday, 4 June 2015

The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden.


So about an hour ago, I finished one of the best reads I have had this year so far.

'The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden' by Jessica Sorensen is a romance novel, about two young adults who have had very difficult pasts, coincidentally meeting again when they realise they're at the same college.

This book is incredible. I fell in love with all of the main characters, they're so relatable & I felt really attatched to this story. I knew I was going to love this book, after only reading 17 pages and already feeling a part of their world. It's such a good read and I would recommend this book to people who like the authours Cora Carmack and Abbi Glines. I love the relationship between Callie & Kayden, I also love the reason why they end up seeing each other a bit more too. Their relationship is adorable and all the way through the book, I fell in love with them more and I was sceaming at them, through the pages to JUST GET TOGETHER!!

I'm not going to go into to much detail as I don't want to ruin the story, should you now want to read it, but it faces some very touchy subjects about abuse, which some people may find upsetting to read about.

The book was easy to read & easy to follow. I loved it! So much so, I'm going to order the second book in this series tonight.

Overall, I gave this book 4 stars on GoodReads. The reason it wasn't a full 5 was simply because, I felt like the ending was very sudden. You don't see it coming, so I wasn't very satisfied when I turned the page over to realise that it had ended! However this story is enthralling & I now have a new favourite authour to add onto my list.

Until next time,
Happy Reading.

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