I've always been a big girl, I love my food too much especially chocolate crisps and all things junk. I had a child n said I would lose weight after. My son is now 3 so as you can see from the date I'm writing this, that's not really happened.
I was getting dressed one day and caught a glimpse of my self naked and I really didn't like what I saw so decided to do something about it . I joined a slimming world group and started to see what I ate wasn't good for me. I hate going into a shop and seeing all the amazing things I can't wear because they don't do my size, so I have a target and when I get there then I'm going to reward myself with new clothes. I'm currently a size 20/22 and am aiming for a size 14. I know I can do it I just have to have the willpower to do it.
So since starting this group I have lost 4 pound now I know it's not much but a loss is still a loss. So every time I do something great or lose a bit I'm going to reward my self and keep motivated to do this. If you have any ideas on how to keep motivated please share and I will keep you all updated ! Thanks for reading this. Sarah x
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