Sunday, 14 June 2015

My weight loss journey

Hi I'm Sarah and I thought I'd share with you my weight loss journey. As I said in a previous blog recently I'm trying to lose weight and it's hard I've only been at it two weeks so while I'm so early in to it why not share with you people and let you know how I'm doing. I guess I should start with why I'm doing this. 
I've always been a big girl, I love my food too much especially chocolate crisps and all things junk. I had a child n said I would lose weight after. My son is now 3 so as you can see from the date I'm writing this, that's not really happened. 
I was getting dressed one day and caught a glimpse of my self naked and I really didn't like what I saw so decided to do something about it . I joined a slimming world group and started to see what I ate wasn't good for me. I hate going into a shop and seeing all the amazing things I can't wear because they don't do my size, so I have a target and when I get there then I'm going to reward myself with new clothes. I'm currently a size 20/22 and am aiming for a size 14. I know I can do it I just have to have the willpower to do it. 
So since starting this group I have lost 4 pound now I know it's not much but a loss is still a loss. So every time I do something great or lose a bit I'm going to reward my self and keep motivated to do this.  If you have any ideas on how to keep motivated please share and I will keep you all updated ! Thanks for reading this. Sarah x 

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